Products. Data management software. When you start a web application design, it is essential to apply threat modeling otherwise you will squander resources, time, and money on useless. OvervieweditMODAF is an internationally recognised enterprise architecture framework developed by the MOD to support Defence planning and change management activities. It does this by enabling the capture and presentation of information in a rigorous, coherent and comprehensive way that aids the understanding of complex issues, thereby providing managers with the key factors they should consider when making decisions about changes to the business. It is used extensively in Defence acquisition to support systems engineering, particularly in support of Network Enabled Capability NEC, which is about the coherent integration of sensors, decision makers, weapon systems and support capabilities to achieve the desired effect. With the publication of the MOD Information Strategy MODIS4 and its Enterprise Architecture EA Sub Strategy, the MOD has recognised the utility of EA to support business improvement. MODAF is central to the use of EA in MOD. MODAF is managed and maintained by staff working for the MODs Chief Information Officer5CIO, as part of their role to provide Information Policy and Standards. Additional support is provided by the MODs System Engineering and Integration Group, as part of their role in developing the System of Systems Approach SOSA,6 a common set of principles, rules, and standards to enable the delivery of better interoperability between systems. MOD is working closely with its International Allies to ensure coherence with their architecture frameworks to enable the sharing of information about capabilities fielded in coalition operations in order to support interoperability. MODAF was developed from the US Department of Defense Architecture Framework Do. DAF version 1. 0, but has been extended and modified to meet MOD requirements by the addition of Strategic, Acquisition and Service Oriented Viewpoints and the provision of the M3. MODAF version 1. 0 was released in 2. MODAF Partners, a collaborative team of MOD staff and contractors from a number of industry partners and has been continuously improved since Version 1. May 2. 01. 0HistoryeditMODAF was initially developed for MOD from two parallel work strands, an MOD funded research programme undertaken by Qineti. Q formerly the Defence Evaluation Research Agency and a separate Do. DAF based development by MODAF Partners, a consortium of Cornwell Management Consulting now Serco and PA Consulting Group with Model Futures providing the technical input, and extended by other key suppliers such as Logica and Vega through work for the MOD Integration Authority as of April 2. System Engineering Integration Group SEIG. A UML analysis, design, documentation and project management CASE tool. Includes basic UML models plus testing, metrics, change management, defect tracking and user. GlobalCAD is an industry leader in tools, downloads and plugins for AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT and BricsCAD Pro. The draft version of MODAF combined the metamodel developed from the Qineti. Q research programme and the views developed by MODAF Partners. The meta model was subsequently replaced with the M3 for the released version of MODAF. Ive seen a few questions around here saying that theres no need to write a beefy Technical Specification if the Functional Specification has all of the functionality. Chapter 9 Modelling Languages for Functional Analysis Put to the Test of Real Life JeanLuc Voirin Abstract. ARCADIA is a system software architecture engineering. Many agile teams find that they need someone in the role of architecture owner, often the most technically experienced person on the team, who. Local Practice Architecture Design is a Vancouver, BC based firm focusing on regenerative sustainability in the Pacific Northwest. We specialize in a Integrated. The British Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework MODAF is an Architecture Framework which defines a standardised way of conducting Enterprise Architecture. FrameworkeditMODAF provides a set of templates called Views that provide a standard notation for the capture of information about a business in order to identify ways to improve the business. Each MODAF View offers a different perspective on the business to support different stakeholder interests, presented in a format, usually graphical, that aids understanding of how a business operates. Descargar Windows 7 Lite Iso 2013. The Views are divided into seven categories Viewpoints Strategic Viewpoint St. V defines the desired business outcome, and what capabilities are required to achieve it Operational Viewpoint OV defines in abstract rather than physical terms the processes, information and entities needed to fulfil the capability requirements Service Orientated Viewpoint SOV describes the services, i. Views Systems Viewpoint SV describes the physical implementation of the Operational and Service Orientated Views and, thereby, define the solution Acquisition Viewpoint Ac. V describes the dependencies and timelines of the projects that will of deliver the solution Technical Viewpoint TV defines the standards that are to be applied to the solution All Viewpoint AV provides a description and glossary of the contents of the architecture. The relationship between the data in the MODAF Views is defined in the MODAF Meta Model, known as the M3. The M3 provides a logical structure for the storage of the data in a database and, subsequent, provides the necessary coherence for the data to be shared with other MODAF architectures. Functionality of FrameworkeditIn MOD, MODAF has primarily been used in acquisition domains, programmes and delivery teams to support the delivery of military capability, particularly NEC. A number of MODAF architectures directly support operations in Afghanistan. In addition, MODAF is widely used by its industry partners, such as BAE Systems, Thales, Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Serco. It is also used by other government departments and agencies, such as GCHQ, and external bodies such as the National Air Traffic Services NATS. MODAF is used by the Swedish Armed Forces to support the development of military capability, and it has been adapted by NATO to form the core of the NATO Architecture Framework NAF. HarmonisationeditMODAF will continue in its current form for the foreseeable future. However, MOD is working closely with the United States Department of Defense, the Canadian Department of National Defence, the Australian Department of Defence, and the Swedish Armed Forces to develop the International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification IDEAS. Although the focus for IDEAS has been the ability to provide a mechanism to better enable the exchange of architecture information between Nations, the IDEAS Management Group are also actively considering how their architecture frameworks should converge, perhaps into a single unified architecture framework. Tools and ToolingeditThe MOD is agnostic about which software tools should or should not be used to develop MODAF architecture descriptions. The key requirement is that they should correctly implement the M38 with downloads in Sparx Systems. Enterprise Architect HTML and XMI formats. A number of tools offer this functionality. The MOD has been working with the Object Management Group OMG to develop the Unified Profile for Do. DAF and MODAF UPDM, an abstract UML profile that implements the MODAF Metamodel M3, itself an abstract UML profile for UML modelling tools, as well as the DODAF metamodel DM2. It is based on the Unified Modelling Language UML and extends the Systems Modelling Language Sys. ML UML profile. TerminologyeditAn architectural framework or architecture framework is a specification of how to organise and present architectural models. An architectural framework consists of a standard set of views, which each have a specific purpose. An architectural description is a contiguous, coherent model of an enterprise. An architectural description comprises architectural products. MODAF is not an architectural description. A view is a specification of a way to present an aspect of the enterprise. Views are defined with one or more purposes in mind e. An architectural product is a model of a particular aspect of the enterprise. An architectural product conforms to a view. Technical drawing Wikipedia. Copying technical drawings in 1. Technical drawing, drafting or drawing, is the act and discipline of composing drawings that visually communicate how something functions or is constructed. Technical drawing is essential for communicating ideas in industry and engineering. To make the drawings easier to understand, people use familiar symbols, perspectives, units of measurement, notation systems, visual styles, and page layout. Together, such conventions constitute a visual language and help to ensure that the drawing is unambiguous and relatively easy to understand. Many of the symbols and principles of technical drawing are codified in an international standard called ISO 1. The need for precise communication in the preparation of a functional document distinguishes technical drawing from the expressive drawing of the visual arts. Artistic drawings are subjectively interpreted their meanings are multiply determined. Technical drawings are understood to have one intended meaning. A drafter, draftsperson, or draughtsman is a person who makes a drawing technical or expressive. A professional drafter who makes technical drawings is sometimes called a drafting technician. Professional drafting is a desirable and necessary function in the design and manufacture of complex mechanical components and machines. Professional draftspersons bridge the gap between engineers and manufacturers and contribute experience and technical expertise to the design process. MethodseditSketchingeditSketch for a government building. A sketch is a quickly executed, freehand drawing that is not intended as a finished work. In general, sketching is a quick way to record an idea for later use. Architects sketches primarily serve as a way to try out different ideas and establish a composition before undertaking a more finished work, especially when the finished work is expensive and time consuming. Architectural sketches, for example, are a kind of diagrams. These sketches, like metaphors, are used by architects as a means of communication in aiding design collaboration. This tool helps architects to abstract attributes of hypothetical provisional design solutions and summarize their complex patterns, hereby enhancing the design process. Manual or by instrumentedit. Old fashioned technical drawing instruments. Stencils for lettering technical drawings to DIN standards. The basic drafting procedure is to place a piece of paper or other material on a smooth surface with right angle corners and straight sidestypically a drawing board. A sliding straightedge known as a T square is then placed on one of the sides, allowing it to be slid across the side of the table, and over the surface of the paper. Parallel lines can be drawn simply by moving the T square and running a pencil or technical pen along the T squares edge. The T square is used to hold other devices such as set squares or triangles. In this case, the drafter places one or more triangles of known angles on the T squarewhich is itself at right angles to the edge of the tableand can then draw lines at any chosen angle to others on the page. Modern drafting tables come equipped with a drafting machine that is supported on both sides of the table to slide over a large piece of paper. Because it is secured on both sides, lines drawn along the edge are guaranteed to be parallel. In addition, the drafter uses several technical drawing tools to draw curves and circles. Primary among these are the compasses, used for drawing simple arcs and circles, and the French curve, for drawing curves. A spline is a rubber coated articulated metal that can be manually bent to most curves. Drafting templates assist the drafter with creating recurring objects in a drawing without having to reproduce the object from scratch every time. This is especially useful when using common symbols i. USITT standard library of lighting fixture symbols to indicate the position of a common fixture across multiple positions. Templates are sold commercially by a number of vendors, usually customized to a specific task, but it is also not uncommon for a drafter to create his own templates. This basic drafting system requires an accurate table and constant attention to the positioning of the tools. A common error is to allow the triangles to push the top of the T square down slightly, thereby throwing off all angles. Even tasks as simple as drawing two angled lines meeting at a point require a number of moves of the T square and triangles, and in general, drafting can be a time consuming process. A solution to these problems was the introduction of the mechanical drafting machine, an application of the pantograph sometimes referred to incorrectly as a pentagraph in these situations which allowed the drafter to have an accurate right angle at any point on the page quite quickly. These machines often included the ability to change the angle, thereby removing the need for the triangles as well. In addition to the mastery of the mechanics of drawing lines, arcs and circles and text onto a piece of paperwith respect to the detailing of physical objectsthe drafting effort requires a thorough understanding of geometry, trigonometry and spatial comprehension, and in all cases demands precision and accuracy, and attention to detail of high order. Although drafting is sometimes accomplished by a project engineer, architect, or shop personnel such as a machinist, skilled drafters andor designers usually accomplish the task, and are always in demand to some degree. Computer aided designeditToday, the mechanics of the drafting task have largely been automated and accelerated through the use of computer aided design systems CAD. There are two types of computer aided design systems used for the production of technical drawings two dimensions 2. D and three dimensions 3. D. 2. D CAD systems such as Auto. CAD or Micro. Station replace the paper drawing discipline. The lines, circles, arcs, and curves are created within the software. It is down to the technical drawing skill of the user to produce the drawing. There is still much scope for error in the drawing when producing first and third angle orthographic projections, auxiliary projections and cross sections. A 2. D CAD system is merely an electronic drawing board. Its greatest strength over direct to paper technical drawing is in the making of revisions. Whereas in a conventional hand drawn technical drawing, if a mistake is found, or a modification is required, a new drawing must be made from scratch, the 2. D CAD system allows a copy of the original to be modified, saving considerable time. D CAD systems can be used to create plans for large projects such as buildings and aircraft but provide no way to check the various components will fit together. A 3. D CAD system such as Key. Creator, Autodesk Inventor, or Solid. Works first produces the geometry of the part the technical drawing comes from user defined views of that geometry. Any orthographic, projected or sectioned view is created by the software. There is no scope for error in the production of these views. The main scope for error comes in setting the parameter of first or third angle projection and displaying the relevant symbol on the technical drawing. D CAD allows individual parts to be assembled together to represent the final product. Buildings, aircraft, ships, and cars are modeled, assembled, and checked in 3. D before technical drawings are released for manufacture. Both 2. D and 3. D CAD systems can be used to produce technical drawings for any discipline. The various disciplines electrical, electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic, etc. BS and ISO produce standards to show recommended practices but it is up to individuals to produce the drawings. There is no definitive standard for layout or style.