C# Tcp File Transfer

C# Tcp File Transfer

Lf14lMDQU/TOreWdcngWI/AAAAAAAAEFw/PTPeaOpqKMU/s1600/Server.jpg' alt='C# Tcp File Transfer' title='C# Tcp File Transfer' />In this article I will demonstrate C and ASP. NET Interview Question and Answers. Understanding Classes, Methods, and Properties in CWEBINAR On demand webcast. How to Boost Database Development Productivity on Linux, Docker, and Kubernetes with Microsoft SQL Server 2. Electricity And Electronics 10Th Edition Pdf. REGISTER By Anand Narayanaswamy. A class is the fundamental topic to be discussed in any Object Oriented Programming OOP language. This also is true with C. Basically, we have to discuss the meaning of class with reference to an object also. This is because these two words are more or less interrelated. A class is a combination of related objects whereas each object is an instance or a copy of the corresponding class. From the figure given below see Figure 1, we can judge the fact that Telephone is a combination of Sony, Ericcson, Panasonic, and Siemens. Hence, Telephone is a class and the other four are its objects. Here, Compaq and HP cant be objects of the class Telephone. In C, a class is a user defined reference type. We create an object out of the classes by using the new keyword and by applying the general syntax as shown in Listing 1 Listing 1. Classname objectname new Constructor We will discuss constructors later. Therefore, to create an object for our class Telephone, you have to code as shown in Listing 2 Listing 2. Telephone T new Telephone Click here for a larger image. Figure 1 Structure of a Class. To access any variable by using the above object name, we use the dot operator as shown in Listing 3 Listing 3. Main. Access a new Access. Console. Write. Linea. Console. Write. Linea. In Listing 3, the variables are declared outside the main method. Hence, they are called Instance Variables. AbstractTcpLib A TCP library that features asynchronous socket programming, concurrent file transfers per client, AES256 Encryption, LDAP Authentication, Client. This namespace contains one or more prerelease APIs. Provides sockets and WebSockets classes to use for network communications and classes for realtime network. FTP client library for C, including asynchronous operations. Author Dan Glass Updated Section Internet Network Chapter General Programming. The Realtime Transport Protocol RTP is a network protocol for delivering audio and video over IP networks. RTP is used extensively in communication and. You have to create an object only for accessing an Instance variable. The additional memory created out of the object creation are automatically destroyed by the C Garbage Collector. Methods. In this session, we will deal with Methods. The various types of methods will be discussed in detail. Methods are blocks of code that perform some kind of action, or carry out functions such as printing, opening a dialog box, and so forth. There are two kinds of methods in C, as there are in Java. They are Instance Method. Static Method. Lets discuss each of these in detail. Instance Methods are methods declared outside the main method and can be accessed only by creating an object of the corresponding class, as shown in Listing 4 Listing 4. Instmethod. int x 1. Console. Write. Linex. Console. Write. Liney. Main. Instmethod a new Instmethod. Class methods also are declared outside the main method but can be accessed without creating an object of the class. They should be declared with the keyword static and can be accessed using the classname. This is illustrated in Listing 5. Similarly, you also can create class variables. Listing 5. class Statmethod. Console. Write. Linex. Console. Write. Liney. Main. Statmethod. Declaring Methods with Parameters. You can declare methods with a variable name or names as a parameter, as shown in Listing 6 Listing 6void displayint x At the time you access the method, you should pass a value to the same, as in the code snippet shown in Listing 7 Listing 7. The complete code to illustrate the above concept is shown in Listing 8 Listing 8. Console. Write. Linex. Console. Write. Liney. Main. Pmethod a new Pmethod. Method Overloading. In the preceding example, we declared a single method with a single parameter. But you can declare the signature of the same method once again in the same class but with different parameters. The parameters should be different. If not, the C compiler would show errors. Listing 9 clearly explains this concept. Listing 9. class Overloadmethod. Console. Write. Linex. Console. Write. Linea. Console. Write. Lineb. Main. Overloadmethod a new Overloadmethod. Properties. Properties provide added functionality to the. NET Framework. Normally, we use accessor methods to modify and retrieve values in C and Visual Basic. If you have programmed using Visual Basics Active. X technology, this concept is not new to you. Visual Basic extensively uses accessor methods such as get. XXX and set. XXX to create user defined properties. A C property consists of Field declaration. Accessor Methods getter and setter methodsGetter methods are used to retrieve the fields value and setter methods are used to modify the fields value. C uses a special Value keyword to achieve this. Listing 1. 0 declares a single field named zipcode and shows how to apply the field in a property. Listing 1. 0. class Propertiesexample. Value. public string Id. Value. return id. Value. id. Value value. Mainstring args. Propertiesexample pe new Propertiesexample. Id. Value 0. 09. Id. Value. Console. Write. LineThe Value is 0,p. If you look at the MSIL generated by the code in Listing 1. Listing 1. 1 Listing 1. Address getZip and Address setZip. We have reproduced the code for your reference. On careful scrutiny, you can see that the setzip method takes a string argument. This is because we have passed a string value while accessing the property. Its illegal to call these methods directly in a C program. In the preceding code, the Address. If you want to make the property read only, omit the set block and to make it write only, omit the get block. About the Author. Anand Narayanaswamy works as a freelance WebSoftware developer and technical writer. He runs and maintains learnxpress. His areas of interest include Web development, software development using Visual Basic, and in the design and preparation of courseware, technical articles, and tutorials. He can be reached at anandlearnxpress.

C# Tcp File Transfer
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