Media Creation Tool fr Windows 10 v10. Deutsch. Das Media Creation Tool von Microsoft ermglicht den Download und Installation von Windows 10 samt des. Video DownloadHelper fr Firefox 6. Version downloaden Weitere virengeprfte Software aus der Kategorie Browser finden Sie bei. Yahoo doesnt have a record of this ID. A big thank you to the author for making it freeware. Reply to this review. Was this review helpful 1. Pros. I liked the old version the new one includes lot of junk. Cons. This new version includes lot of junks not for me. Reply to this review. Was this review helpful 1. Pros. Select the refresh rate you want and it works. Windows XP SP3, IE8Cons. None, that I can think of. Summary. I installed the Refresher on my Machine, XP SP3, IE 8, and it installed as stated. Right click IE Tool bar and select Refresher. Band. Class. A Refresh Tool bar appears. Left click the Refresh tool bar and select refresh rate from drop down. To kill the refresh rate Left click the Refresh tool bar and select Turn off Refresh. Close the Refresh tool bar, by deselecting Refresher. Band. Class on the IE tool bar menu or by clicking the X to the right of the Refresh tool bar. Note If you close the tool bar, by deselecting Refresher. Band. Class on the IE tool bar menu or clicking the X to the right of the Refresh tool bar without performing step 3 above, the refresh tool bar will close but the refresh rate will continue. Reply to this review. Was this review helpful 1.