Make Music Finale 2011 Isole

Make Music Finale 2011 Isole

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One of the great misfortunes of modern aesthetic theory is the fact that, ever since Nietzsche introduced the concepts of Dionysian music and Apollonian art in his popular essay Die Geburt der Tragdie aus dem Geiste der Musik The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music 1. We may recall that Nietzsche, following Schopenhauers dictum that ideas are the universalia post rem 1 music, however, gives the universalia ante rem,2 and reality the universalia in re,3 contended that the primordial music that is universal in expression is to be identified as Dionysian while all artistic and dramatic representations of this universal music were merely Apollonian forms of individuation, or of merely illusory phenomena through Dionysian music the individual phenomenon becomes richer and widens into a world picture. It was a powerful victory of the non Dionysian spirit when, in the development of the newer dithyramb, it alienated music from itself and forced it down to be the slave of appearances. But Nietzsches conclusion is in fact a false one, for it is only through Apollonian art that the universal can be appreciated. And the value of the latter for man is not through an insensate immersion into the realm of the Unconscious but rather through a Supra Conscious apprehension of mans first Fall from God and a desire to be reintegrated into the divine as Schopenhauer himself had revealed in his discussion of tragedy in his masterwork Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung The World as Will and Imagination 1. Internet, informatique, logiciel libre, conomie, politique, vie courante et tout le reste. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Indeed, Schopenhauers theory of tragedy is, of all the philosophical theories of tragedy that have been propounded since antiquity, the one perhaps closest to the truth which is hardly surprising considering the pessimistic cast of his entire philosophical system. Schopenhauers view of the phenomenal world as the expression of a conflict ridden Will to Life led him to consider tragedy asthe summit of poetical art, both on account of the greatness of its effect and the difficulty of its achievement. It is very significant for our whole system, and well worthy of observation, that the end of this highest poetical achievement is the representation of the terrible side of life. The unspeakable pain, the wail of humanity, the triumph of evil, the scornful mastery of chance, and the irretrievable fall of the just and innocent, is here presented to us and in this lies a significant hint of the nature of the world and of existence. Therefore he concluded that. The true sense of tragedy is the deeper insight that it is not his own individual sins that the hero atones for, but original sin, the crime of existence itself. The fall that is evoked in every tragic representation is, thus, also not a fall into morality, as the Hebrew reference to the knowledge of good and evil in Genesis 3, and Nietzsches entire moral philosophy following it, would have us believe, but rather the original Fall or castration of the primordial macroanthrophomorphic form of Ouranos called Purusha among the Indians or Adam Kadmon among the Hebrews that generated the physical cosmos. Nietzsche indeed does not  seem to be aware of the original significance of the Greek gods Dionysus and Apollo, nor of their relation to the representations of tragic drama. The essential cosmic role of Dionysus is that of the solar force of OuranosHelios that descends into the underworld to be revived in our universe as the sun, Apollo. This descent is among the ancient Indo Europeans understood as a castration of the phallus of Ouranos by TimeChronos that is remedied by the force of Chronos representative in the nascent universe, Zeus, or Dionysus. The solar force that Dionysus represents in the underworld is naturally rather uncontrolled in its enormous energy and is therefore represented in the Dionysian cult by the wild abandon typical of Bacchanalian rites. The aim of these rites however, as in all Indo European religions, would have been a serious soteriological one rather than a frivolous, as in Nietzsches account. The followers of Dionysus were enthusiasts, filled with the god, and imitated in their ritual worship the cosmic progress of the god. It is true that the Dionysian mysteries, much like the Indian Tantric ones, are not imbued with a sense of sin, but they are nevertheless focussed on the need to transfigure human passions into divine ones even if it be through indulgence. The Dionysian satyr plays are therefore a hedonistic, quasi Tantric counterpart of the higher sacerdotal sacrifices among the Indo Europeans, and especially of such sacrifices as the Agnicayana of the Indian brhmans which seeks to restore the divine phallus of the castrated, or fallen Purusha to its original cosmic force. However, it must be noted that these orgiastic celebrations of the energy that the solar force contains in the underworld did not in themselves constitute tragedies in any form. Their ritual repesentations merely served, historically, as the source of dramatisations of tragic stories in Greece. For we know from Aristotles Poetics 1. Dionysian dithyrambs. The  dithyramb is a choral hymn sung and danced to Dionysus in a particularly ecstatic manner. It was  comprised of male choruses perhaps dressed as satyrs that included men and boys. Later, in the 6th c. Corporate Finance Brealey And Myers Pdf. B. C., when the dithyrambic prelude had developed in its scope, Thespis took the part of a character and Phrynicus introduced dialogues. Bacchylides surviving fragment of a dithyramb from the 5th c. B. C. is in the form of a dialogue between a solo singer and a chorus. Thus there arose responsorial dialogues between  solo singers and a choir. Aeschylus in the 5th c. B. C. introduced a second actor too into the play. The chorus in a dithyramb sang narrations of actions, unlike the direct speeches of actors in a drama. Tragedy emerged in this way as a distinct artistic form mainly in ancient Greece. We know that Sanskrit dramas in India did not include tragedies. According to the 1. Dasharpa by Dhanika, Bk. III,  for instance, actions not suited for representation on the stage include murder, fights, revolts, eating, bathing, intercourse, etc. The death of a hero too can never be represented. If tragedy is not favoured by the ancient Indian drama, it is not attested in the ancient Near East either, though liturgical laments were composed at the end of the Third Dynasty of Ur ca. B. C. marking the losses of the temples of the major Sumerian cities. In Egypt, from the 1. Middle Kingdom ca. B. C., there is evidence of dramatic representations of religious subjects in temples. Of these, the murder of Osiris by Seth, his dismemberment, and resuscitation may be considered the Egyptian counterpart of the Dionysian mysteries. It is important to note that Greek tragic drama, which relied on solo speeches and choral commentaries on the action, did not include much action and certainly no violent action, which was considered too horrific to be enacted onstage and needed a Messenger to describe it to the actors. The dramatic action of a tragedy does not therefore rely on action itself, and often even shuns it. The drama unfolds only through the medium of the speeches of the various characters and choruses. That is why the power of Euripides monodic declamations detailing the actions as well as the reactions of the protagonists must be acknowledged as the acme of Greek tragedy rather than its nadir, as Nietzsche considered it. In Euripides 5th c. B. C. the action was focussed on the feelings generated by the dramatic action, and even the choral commentaries receded in importance before the actors monody, a style of dramatic declamation that was perfected by the Roman Stoic philosopher and dramatist Seneca the Younger 1st c. A. D., who relied mainly on Euripides example in the creation of his tragedies. Sea Shepherd News Sea Shepherd Italy. POSIDONIA OCEANICA IN PERICOLO IN PUGLIAIl gasdotto trans adriatico mette a rischio la Posidonia Oceanica. Melendugno LE, 6 agosto 2. I volontari di Sea Shepherd Italia, coadiuvati da alcuni cittadini di Melendugno, hanno concluso delle immersioni subacquee nel tratto di costa di fronte la spiaggia denominata San Basilio, tra le marine di San Foca di Melendugno e Torre Specchia Ruggieri, dove in progetto la realizzazione dellapprodo del gasdotto Trans Adriatic Pipeline TAP. Obiettivo delle immersioni la verifica della presenza di fanerogame marine, in particolare della Posidonia Oceanica e della Cymodocea Nodosa, che costituiscono veri e propri ecosistemi protetti dalla Convenzione Retea Natura 2.

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