GREYSCALE COLOUR CALIBRATION FOR DUMMIES OLD VERSIONPart 8 Advanced Colour Management Primaries SecondariesThis is the last and most advanced section of our guide. We will be explaining what primaries and secondaries are, how to measure them, and on some displays how to adjust them. We will then also give some hints on how to physically alter some displays for more accurate primaries by adding filters. This section should be considered optional as most displays do not have the advanced color management system CMS required to set primaries and secondaries correctly. Even if your display does not have a CMS, at the very least youll gain a better understanding of your displays colour reproduction by measuring your displays primary and secondary values and how it all fits in with greyscale. If your display doesnt have a CMS, you can add one with an advanced video processor like the Radiance. If youre unsure if your display has a CMS or other means of adjusting primaries or secondaries check your user manual, or start a new thread in our Audio Video Calibration forum and askWhat are primaries and secondaries Take a look at the CIE diagram from the previous section. The white dots close to the D6. What we havent talked about yet however is the black triangle in this diagram It represents the colour space or gamut that we selected. This triangle is the range of colours that we expect or hope our display will be able to reproduce. A perfect display will only display colours inside the triangle and none of the colours outside. Standard definition Rec. Rec. 70. 9 have different ranges. The high definition Rec. Rec. 60. 1 version as the three points are farther apart, thus allowing for more vivid colours in HD. One of the many benefits of HD over SD Its not a huge difference, but its certainly noticeable. The one in our diagram above is for Rec. You can try switching between the HD and SD colour space yourself in Color. HCFR to see the difference by choosing the Advanced Preferences menu option, selecting the References tab, and changing the Color Space Standard option. Youll see how the triangle grows or shrinks slightly depending on the colour space selected. Side note Whats interesting is how small the SD and HD colour spaces are actually in relation to the entire range of visible colours in the CIE diagram. Remember that the entire CIE diagram represents the colours that we, as humans, can see. There are millions of colours visible to the human eye outside of the triangles that even HDTV television and Blu ray still cannot begin to display as they are not part of any adopted standard like Rec. Rec. 70. 9 Some day likely quite some time in the future a new colour space may be adopted as a standard that includes a wider range of colours. Broadcast TV and some future media disc whatever replaces Blu ray would likely be developed to use that new and expanded colour space for our home theaters. What are the primary pointsThe points at the tips of the colour space triangle are called primaries as they represent the 3 primary pure red, green, and blue colours that define how all other colours are created within the triangle. Your display creates every other colour within the colour space triangle by varying the amount of red, green, and blue. The size and shape of the triangle changes based on where these 3 points land. If your displays primary points do not land on the correct spots, every other colour will suffer to some degree even if your greyscale is perfect. Heres a great great analogy by Forum member Gary Fritz to explain this. Your projector or TV must display the exact three primary colours as set by standards. If it doesnt, your colours will be wrong. Why Think of your display as a blind paint by number artist. Hes got 3 pots of paint Red, Green, Blue, and he just paints whatever colour the signal tells him. If the video signal says to paint pure green, he goes to his green pot and uses that. FTL_17-650x365.jpg' alt='Ftl Faster Than Light Download Mac' title='Ftl Faster Than Light Download Mac' />If the signal has a yellow colour, he mixes red and green together. Now imagine what would happen if somebody swiped his green paint and substituted a pot of pink paint. Hes a blind painter, so he cant correct for the bad colour. Obviously his greens would be wrong grass would be pink. From puzzles and shooters to adventure games and RPGs, these are the 176 best iPhone iPad games available in 2017 complete with reviews, videos and download links. Shadowrun Dragonfall PC Shadowrun Dragonfall. But in addition ALL colours that included any green would also be wrong. Since all colours except pure red, pure blue, and shades of pure magenta include SOME green, this means that ALL other colours will be wrong. How close your displays primaries are to the Rec. Rec. 70. 9 standards depends largely on the technology used by your display, how the manufacturer implemented it, and what controls they offer to adjust for aging or inconsistencies. A large percentage of digital displays are considerably off, while most CRT based displays are fairly accurate as CRT was the technology to which the standards were defined given that it was the only technology that existed at the time 2. Movie studios typically still employ CRT type displays due to the colour accuracy and lack of colour drift digital display bulb colour output drifts considerably over short times while CRT tube colour output tends to remain stable. For more information watch the first few chapters of the Digital Video Essentials HD Basics test disc. A comprehensive colour management system CMS which provides separate controls for each of the colours is usually required to set primaries correctly. Many new displays today artificially boost or shift how they create colours in order to be able to display colours outside the Rec. Rec. 70. 9 range. They often do this on purpose to increase light output by boosting green and blue andor to make the colours appear more vivid or pleasing. Its important to remember that this is completely incorrect The end result is a picture that is not what the director intended for you to see. This can be shown using a real world example using two different display technologies Our Barco Cine 8 Onyx projector which uses CRT tube technology and the popular high end JVC RS1 projector which uses digital D ILA technology. We would like both projectors to have primaries that fall exactly on the black triangle that is our target Rec. HD colour space. The Barco primaries are pretty close Green and blue are almost perfect while red is slightly over saturated farther out than it should be but its reasonably close so no further correction is needed or warranted. If you really wanted perfection a colour processor could be added to correct this but we feel its close enough. The imperfection in red will not be noticed in regular content as while it is over saturated, it isnt pushing to either side so red isnt tinted orange or purple its simply a little too red. The JVC primaries on the other hand are much worse and the imperfections will most certainly be noticed when viewing regular content. The primaries are considerably outside the Rec. HD standard which causes the colours to appear much too vibrant. This is especially true of the green primary which is also shifted to the left which gives the image a yellowish hue to all greens. The JVC does not have a colour management system CMS for altering the primaries so an advanced processor or other modifications are required if we wish to move the primaries to more accurate values. So why isnt more vibrant colours a better thing You may think that being able to display colours that are outside the standard is a good thing as itll give you a broader range of colours. Unfortunately thats not true. While more vibrant colours may look pleasing in some cases cartoons or other artificial content it will not look correct for the other 9. Overly saturated colours will cause for example green grass to have an almost neon like glow to it at times. Below is an example. Photo courtesy of Tom Huffman. Cheats FTL Wiki FTL Faster Than Light Wiki. This mod removes the rebel fleet pursuit, allowing you to take your time travelling through each sector visiting each warp point. Makes the game significantly easier but still offers some challenge. The mod can be found here and its updated to the latest version of the game. Memory EditingeditWarning Crashes can occur if the wrong Addresses are modified Make sure youre modifying the right address or else you carry a very high chance of crashing the game. Using Cheat Engine. Download install Cheat Engine http www. Avast. Regardless of what you decide, itll install this shit anyway. Just a heads up. Start a new game of FTL, and run Cheat Engine Click the image of the computer on the upper left. Locate FTLGame. exe in the list, select it, and press Open In the box labelled Value enter the value of what you want to change. Click First Scan Note Downloading a cheat table might be useful as it isolates common variables i. Change the Value of what you want to change. Enter the new value into the box and click Next Scan Repeat the above step until you have 2 addresses found on the left side Click an address highlighting it blue, right click it and select Change the value of the selected addresses Enter any number, then click OK. Check the game to see if the value of what you wanted to change changed If it has, double click the highlighted address, it will be moved to the bottom of the window If it hasnt, double click the address that isnt highlighted, it will be moved to the bottom of the window If you want to, right click the address at the bottom of the window, go to Change Record Description and set a description for the address usually the name of what it changes When you want to change the value, right click the address at the bottom, and go to Change Record Value and enter the desired value. If you want to add more recorded addresses, click New Scan above the Value box and go back to Step 5. Memory Editing on MaceditIf you play Faster Than Light on Mac OS X, Bit Slicer is similar to Poke. Bit Slicer for Mac. Choose the 3. 2 bit Integer type and specify that it is Unsigned. There are various ports of Cheat Engine to OS X, however. Memory Editing on LinuxeditThe Linux equivalent of Poke is a command line utility called scanmem. The neat thing with scanmem is that you can run multiple instances at once, to track different values. It is as easy to use as poke. The basics are. Download scanmem. OR yum install scanmem Start up your game and get to the point where you are looking at your chosen ship in space. Open a command line and find the PID process ID of your game. FTL and look for an executable named FTL. If there are several results, try the one with the highest PID. Start scanmem as root or with sudo permissions, and set the PID you want to scan. If the pid is 1. 23. Type the current number that you want to track, and hit enter. It will locate all instances of that number. Do something to change that number in game, then enter the new value into scanmem. Keep doing this until it pares down to 2 3 matches. If it very quickly returns 0 results, you are likely scanning the wrong PID, or you scanned the PID before the game was underway. Try scanning the PID again, or scan a different PID. With matches pared down to a few, type list to see them. They will be assigned list numbers. Set an entry to a different value by typing set value. So to set entry 1 value to 1. You should see your value change in game. If it does not, you picked the wrong entry set the value back to normal and try tweaking a different entry. Bonus you can track a value in scanmem as it changes, by typing watch with being the entry number from list command. So, the whole thing looks like rootd. PC ps ef grep i ftl. SteamSteam. AppscommonFTL Faster Than LightFTL1. SteamSteam. AppscommonFTL Faster Than LightFTL1. SteamSteam. AppscommonFTL Faster Than Lightdataamd. Download Mcafee Mobile Security For Android Cracked. FTLroot 2. 18. 99 2. PID 2. 18. 68 is the one we want. PC scanmemscanmem version 0. Enter the pid of the process to search using the pid command. Enter help for other commands. Lets say our ammo is at 1. Start tracking that. Now we fire off a missile, leaving 1. I6. 4 I3. 2 I1. 6 I8 1 0x. I6. 4 I3. 2 I1. 6 I8 2 set 0 1. Missiles will now read 1. Game Trainers on LinuxeditBy far the best game trainer on Linux is the universal elite game trainer ugtrain as it comes with. LDPRELOAD. It takes over control of. It uses scanmem for discovery and matches found memory addresses on the heap. The tool comes with example configs for FOSS games like Chromium B. S. U. or Warzone 2. Also security measures like ASLRPIE are bypassed. The methods are not trivial. So it is best to ask maintainer Sebastian Parschauer for support. All other tools like Game Conqueror, QGSpider, gamecheater, lintrainer or Tursiops are too basic and do not even work for static memory any more. ASLRPIE. Save Game UnlockseditA save game which has all ships unlocked has been released. Does not Work anymore. Save Game EditoreditSave game editor has been created by reddit user ftlcheat. The file can be downloaded from mediafire. Updated version http www. Another save game editor was created with Excel macros at mediafire. This editor is compatible across Windows, Mac and Linux, including abilities to edit both profileachievementsunlock and saved files http www. This is another editor https github. Vhatiftl profile editor. Heres another saveprofilecrewinventory editor www. AE. ExploitseditSave ScummingeditIt is possible to quick save by saving and quitting, alt tabbing out is enough and then making manual backup copies of the continue. An alternative is to return to the Main Menu, which will also create a quick save. On Linux the save is located in your home directory under. Faster. Than. Light. On Windows its located in C Userslt username Documentsmy gamesfasterthanlight. This would be considered cheating by some players and may spoil enjoyment of the game. It goes against the intentions of the developers desire for the player to experience permanent death, a standard feature of many roguelike games. However, it can usefully allow you to hit the final event for the Secret Ship challenge, by replaying the final necessary sector, and it can be helpful for saving a favoured ship configuration for later review. The selection of a store is generated randomly when a system is visited. If a save is stored immediately before jumping to a system with a store in it, it is possible to load this save as many times as necessary to find an item of choice. This tactic cannot be used to affect the outcomes of event choices, which seem to be pre determined when a sector is first visited. Powerlevel CreweditCrew members gain skills when in combat. If an enemy ship can not penetrate ones shields and cant do hull damage, you can stay in combat indefinitely unless they jump. This allows the opportunity to train crew members to maximum skill.