Psychologists. Physician Assistants. Pharmacists. Councelors. Educators. Innovative Learning Formats. To match diverse learning preferences. Ever visited an MLM review site that just didnt seem right Dont join this MLM company, its a SCAM Join MY MLM company instead Theres a lot of. Board of Directors Officers. Tina Bennett NECA President Principal Consultant Daymark Energy Advisors email tbennettdaymarkea. Tina Bennett is a Principal. Maritime Heritage Outreach and Education East Carolina Universitys Engagement with International Public Communities in Africa and the Caribbean. Los Montoneros Coleccin de Clsicos de La Literatura Latinoamericana Carrascalejo de La Jara, Eduardo Gutierrez 4995879072561 Ride to. We provide education that is morethan just engaging, more than just innovative. It is education that improves performance and empowers clinicians to reach improved patient outcomes. For more than 2. 00 years, Massachusetts General Hospital has been a leader in educating physicians and health care providers. Each year, Mass General is recognized for achieving the highest standards in patient care, education and research. US News World Reports Survey of Americas Best Hospitals ranks the hospital 2 in the U. S. In addition to extensive research on education for health care professionals, we also have notable experience in research on public education health projects. We have research projects currently under review on the topics of caregiver burden and shared decision making, and are part of a major research grant to develop an innovative mobile app that measures the rate of accessing care andor resources among veterans and family members impacted by psychological wounds of war. Recent Poster Presentations. Novel Web Based Simulations. Computer simulation assessment tools CSATs can be used to assess team members familiarity with the roles and responsibilities of other disciplines. Improving HIV Care. This PI CME Program has guided the development of resources and interventions to address gaps in smoking cessation and lipid management practices. Recent Academic Publications. Simulation based Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation in Psychiatry A Novel Tool for Performance Assessment. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. Interprofessional Differences in Disposition Decisions Results from a Standardized Web Based Patient Assessment. Psychiatric Services. Attendees Perceptions of Commercial Influence in Non Commercially Funded CME Programs. The Journal of Continuing Education in the health Professions. Enhancing Informed Consent Best Practices Gaining Patient, Family and Provider Perspectives Using Reverse Simulation. Journal of Medical Ethics. We thrive on innovation. Our team understands the confluence of education and technology, and leverages innovative tools to engage a new generation of learners web simulations, social media, interactive courses, mobile friendly content, interactive e books, and more. Our director, Tristan Gorrindo, MD, is a recognized leader in the use of simulation technology in medical education. We have unique skills. Our team has diverse expertise in disciplines that form the backbone of medical education such as medical writing, accreditor compliance, and federal and foundation grants as well as disciplines that are critical to developing education that engages a new generation of learners. Web development video production. Marketing and audience engagement. Biostatistics. Customer service. Educational outcomes design. Strategic planning. Hp Skyroom Software. Longitudinal outcomes software. Event logistics. Implementation dissemination science. We Help Improve the Education Ecosystem. Our team not only creates, analyzes and reports on education we share that knowledge with peers across the country and set new standards for the impacts that education should have. In the last 5 years, weve presented to 5. National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care. NIH Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation. Journal of the American Medical Association. Harvard Review of Psychiatry. Association of American Medical Colleges. American Psychiatric Association. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. Institute for Healthcare Improvement National Forum.